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out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Gene Flow and Maintenance of Genetic Diversity in Invasive Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki)
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Gene Flow and Maintenance of Genetic Diversity in Invasive Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) Díez del Molino, David ; Carmona Catot, Gerard ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria ; García-Berthou, Emili ; García Marín, José Luis
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Gene Flow and Maintenance of Genetic Diversity in Invasive Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) Díez del Molino, David ; Carmona Catot, Gerard ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Vidal i Fàbrega, Oriol ; Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria ; García-Berthou, Emili ; García Marín, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Genetic Analysis of Arrhythmogenic Diseases in the Era of NGS: The Complexity of Clinical Decision-Making in Brugada Syndrome Allegue, Catarina ; Coll, Monica ; Matés Ramírez, Jesús ; Campuzano Larrea, Oscar ; Iglesias, Anna ; Sobrino, Beatriz ; Brion, Maria ; Amigo, Jorge ; Carracedo, Angel ; Brugada Terradellas, Pedro ; Brugada Terradellas, Josep ; Brugada, Ramon
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Genetic Analysis of Arrhythmogenic Diseases in the Era of NGS: The Complexity of Clinical Decision-Making in Brugada Syndrome
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Genetic Analysis of Arrhythmogenic Diseases in the Era of NGS: The Complexity of Clinical Decision-Making in Brugada Syndrome Allegue, Catarina ; Coll, Monica ; Matés Ramírez, Jesús ; Campuzano Larrea, Oscar ; Iglesias, Anna ; Sobrino, Beatriz ; Brion, Maria ; Amigo, Jorge ; Carracedo, Angel ; Brugada Terradellas, Pedro ; Brugada Terradellas, Josep ; Brugada, Ramon
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Genetic Analysis of Arrhythmogenic Diseases in the Era of NGS: The Complexity of Clinical Decision-Making in Brugada Syndrome Allegue Toscano, Catarina ; Coll Vidal, Mònica ; Matés Ramírez, Jesús ; Campuzano Larrea, Oscar ; Iglesias, Anna ; Sobrino, Beatriz ; Brion, Maria ; Amigo, Jorge ; Carracedo, Angel ; Brugada Terradellas, Pedro ; Brugada Terradellas, Josep ; Brugada, Ramon
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 desembre 2016 Genetic basis of dilated cardiomyopathy Perez-Serra, Alexandra ; Toro R ; Sarquella-Brugada G ; de Gonzalo-Calvo D ; Cesar S ; Carro E ; Llorente-Cortes V ; Iglesias A ; Brugada J ; Brugada, Ramon ; Campuzano Larrea, Oscar
out url icon Recercat Genetic characterization of the Asian clam species complex (Corbicula) invasion in the Iberian Peninsula Peñarrubia Lozano, Luis ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Pla Zanuy, Carles ; Viñas de Puig, Jordi ; Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria
doc icon DUGiDocs gener 2017 Genetic characterization of the Asian clam species complex (Corbicula) invasion in the Iberian Peninsula Peñarrubia Lozano, Luis ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Vidal i Fàbrega, Oriol ; Pla Zanuy, Carles ; Viñas de Puig, Jordi ; Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria
out url icon Recercat Genetic characterization of the Iberian populations of two invasive mollusks: zebra mussel and asiatic clam Peñarrubia Lozano, Luis
doc icon DUGiDocs 21 octubre 2016 Genetic characterization of the Iberian populations of two invasive mollusks: zebra mussel and asiatic clam Peñarrubia Lozano, Luis
out url icon Recercat Genetic characterization of the invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia spp.) introduced to Europe: Population structure and colonization routes Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Vidal Fàbrega, Oriol ; Díez del Molino, David ; Fernández Cebrián, Raquel ; García Marín, José Luis
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 octubre 2013 Genetic characterization of the invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia spp.) introduced to Europe: Population structure and colonization routes Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Vidal i Fàbrega, Oriol ; Díez del Molino, David ; Fernández Cebrián, Raquel ; García Marín, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Genetic diversity and population structure of the non-native Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in Mediterranean streams Díez del Molino, David
doc icon DUGiDocs 5 juny 2015 Genetic diversity and population structure of the non-native Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in Mediterranean streams Díez del Molino, David
doc icon DUGiDocs 1998 Genetic homogeneity of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the western Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic Pla Zanuy, Carles ; Pujolar, Josep Martí
out url icon Recercat Genetic homogeneity of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the western Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic Pla Zanuy, Carles ; Pujolar, Josep Martí
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 Genetic risks of supplementing trout populations with native stocks: A simulation case study from current pyrenean populations Fernández Cebrián, Raquel ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria ; García Marín, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Genetic risks of supplementing trout populations with native stocks: A simulation case study from current pyrenean populations Fernández Cebrián, Raquel ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria ; García Marín, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Genetic risks of supplementing trout populations with native stocks: A simulation case study from current pyrenean populations Fernández Cebrián, Raquel ; Araguas Solà, Rosa M. ; Sanz Ball-llosera, Núria ; García Marín, José Luis
out url icon Recercat Genetic structure in the blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus and the role played by hydrographical and oceanographical barriers Fernández Hernández, Maria Victoria ; Heras Mena, Sandra ; Maltagliati, Ferruccio ; Turco, Aldo ; Roldán Borassi, María Inés
doc icon DUGiDocs 26 gener 2011 Genetic structure in the blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus and the role played by hydrographical and oceanographical barriers Fernández Hernández, Maria Victoria ; Heras Mena, Sandra ; Maltagliati, Ferruccio ; Turco, Aldo ; Roldán Borassi, María Inés
out url icon Recercat Genetic support for the morphological identification of larvae of Myctophidae, Gonostomatidae, Sternoptychidae and Phosichthyidae (Pisces) from the western Mediterranean = Apoyo genético para la identificación morfológica de las larvas de Myctophidae, Gonostomatidae, Sternoptychidae y Phosichthyidae (Pisces) del Mediterráneo Occidental Bernal, Ainhoa ; Viñas de Puig, Jordi ; Olivar, M.Pilar
out url icon Recercat Genetic support for the morphological identification of larvae of Myctophidae, Gonostomatidae, Sternoptychidae and Phosichthyidae (Pisces) from the western Mediterranean = Apoyo genético para la identificación morfológica de las larvas de Myctophidae, Gonostomatidae, Sternoptychidae y Phosichthyidae (Pisces) del Mediterráneo Occidental Bernal, Ainhoa ; Viñas de Puig, Jordi ; Olivar, M.Pilar
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